إسم المفعول - Ism/isim al Maf'ul, is an object, or the person who receives the action
We have started with Verb - فعل
From فعل , we will be able to derive the noun or doer from the verb to فاعل
From فعل , we will be able to derive the object or past participle (pp) from the verb to مفعول, the receiver
In English, we have "write" as the verb , convert to pp , it is "written", it is kind of similar concept in arabic as well.
Similar to The Doer, for derivation, there are 2 type of rules applied.
We have started with Verb - فعل
From فعل , we will be able to derive the noun or doer from the verb to فاعل
From فعل , we will be able to derive the object or past participle (pp) from the verb to مفعول, the receiver
In English, we have "write" as the verb , convert to pp , it is "written", it is kind of similar concept in arabic as well.
Similar to The Doer, for derivation, there are 2 type of rules applied.
- 3 letters
- Step 1 - from Madhi, add م at the beginning of the word, the original letter will now have a sukun harakah
- Step 2 - add at the 2nd last letter, or in other word in between 2nd and 3rd
- Step 3 - the last harakah now becomes dhommatun
- >3 letters
- Step 1- Find out the mudhori' form of the verb
- Step 2 - Change the letter ي to م
- Step 3 - Change the harakah of the 2nd last letter to fathah

Derivation example for > than 3 letters verb
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