Sharing the notes I took during the 1st class of the new Kursus Asas Haji by Tabung Haji for 2011 at Masjid Sultan Salahuddin Shah or Masjid Negeri (Selangor). I had to attend alone, Aina was not very well and Azlin was away. So, this notes is dedicated for them who had missed this 1st class (and will miss the 2nd one as well).
This course used to be called "Kursus Haji Bersiri Tabung Haji", but beginning this year, it is called Kursus Asas Haji. There will be a total of 17 modules, run on weekly basis for 2 hours. It is now fully funded by attendees. RM100 per person for the whole 17 modules which will be used to pay for the food, the speaker and "infaq" to the mosque. Here's the whole module plan:
1) Penerangan Ringkas Ibadah Haji dan Perkara Asas (27 Feb)
2) Sejarah & Pengenalan Tanah Suci (6 Mar)
3) Syarat-syarat Wajib Haji dan Mahram (13 Mar)
4) Umrah (20 Mar)
5) Rukun Haji ~ 1 of 3 (27 Mar)
6) Rukun Haji ~ 2 of 3 (3 Apr)
7) Rukun Haji ~ 3 of 3 (10 Apr)
8) Wajib Haji ~ 1 of 3 (17 Apr)
9) Wajib Haji ~ 2 of 3 (24 Apr)
10) Wajib Haji ~ 3 of 3 (1 May ~ don't know if they're having class during labor day or not)
11) Jenis-jenis Haji
12) Toharah, Solat dan Aurat
13) Permasalahan Hukum
14) Ziarah Madinah
15) Kesihatan
16) Pengurusan Haji
17) Amali Ibadat
The speaker who will be delivering most of this topic is Ustaz Hj Ibrahim Embong, Mantan Pengurus Besar Bimbingan Haji, LUTH.
The course begins with Talbiah. There may be a 5 minutes break after an hour (@10am). But last week, he didn't take break at all. The 1st class basically covers all the "Adab-adab" Haji -- before, during and after Haji.... to be posted in the next series