After being silent for many moons, my first update is about exam? Not the right ambience to start with but that seems to be the in-things in this coming weeks at home.
Anis will be sitting her PMR this coming Tuesday. She's studying right now:) Ummi shouldn't have any complaints right... More Doas for my girl...
Alif will also be sitting his final year exam. I thought it was only UPSR subjects but no, it's everything. Subhannallah... This one, Ummi really really have to monitor coz until now, not sure what he has actually learnt in school. His answer was always "I don't know". Too lazy to strike conservation with mummy or mummy didn't choose the right moment for the chat. He likes to change the subject if he doesn't want to talk about it:)
Aina will be sitting her SPM soon. Seriously can't believe that my eldest is now 17! She has already started thinking about what she wants to study next - psychology? Nutrition? Writing? Well... She needs to get through the SPM first, don't worry about the long term mission yet, get the SPM over first.
Ahmad ... I still have no clue about Jye new schooling system without the PMR thing for him. Didn't make any effort to find out info and understand it. He wants to move school yet again, to follow Kak Anis he said. But that school -- not one that you can choose to go, you need to get placement from JAIS who will say that they're all full. So limited place but many students who wants to enter the school.